+= (((stage.mouseX - (stage.stageWidth * .5)) * 2) - ) * .02; += (((stage.mouseY - (stage.stageHeight * .5)) * 2) - ) * .02;
Controlling 3D Animation The easiest what to control 3D animation is to use tweener. Basically Tweener helps you move things around on the screen using only code, instead of the timeline. Tweener has no idea about Papervision 3D and in fact it only changes a variable over time which means that you can change any variable as long as it is a number.
To do this you first need to set the view to interactive, then add event listeners to the 3D objects.
var controlPlane:Plane = new Plane(); controlPlane.addEventListener (InteractiveScene3DEvent.OBJECT_CLICK, plane1Clicked); controlPlane.addEventListener (InteractiveScene3DEvent.OBJECT_OVER, plane1Rollover); controlPlane.addEventListener (InteractiveScene3DEvent.OBJECT_OUT, plane1Rollout);
Then create functions and use tweener to manipulate the 3D objects
private function plane1Rollover (myEvent:InteractiveScene3DEvent):void { //moves the panel back on roll over Tweener.addTween(myEvent.currentTarget, { z:120, time:.5, transition:"easeInOutQuint" } ); } private function plane1Rollout (myEvent:InteractiveScene3DEvent):void { //moves the panel froward to its original position on roll out. Tweener.addTween(myEvent.currentTarget, { z:100, time:.5, transition:"easeInOutQuint" } ); } private function plane1Clicked (myEvent:InteractiveScene3DEvent):void { //Resets the panels X rotation myEvent.currentTarget.rotationX = 0; //Flips the panel 360 Tweener.addTween(myEvent.currentTarget, { rotationX:360, time:1, transition:"easeInOutQuint" } ); }
Follow this link to view a demo and as usual to view the full source right click the demo.
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