
Prey in less than a week

I have just finished the single player for Prey and I have to say- it ruled. I got it from the Lower Hutt Library on Saturday (weird huh, they rent 360 games at the Library).

Anyway I was looking foward to having a go of Prey after playing the demo but I wasn’t willing to buy the game as the multilayer in the demo sucked and you can only play 8 people on live.

The gameplay in Prey was quite refreshing for a FPS. It has this cool portal system, its possible to change the gravity effectively flipping the levels around and you can enter “the spirit realm”. All the new features add some interesting puzzles but apart from that the game was pretty much the standard FPS, kill everything that moves, type of gameplay everyone has come to love. The one outstanding feature of this game was the story, it has enough twists and turns to keep things enjoyable, all be it a little obvious, but definitely better than most of the recent movies I have seen.

In summary if you live in the Lower Hutt go get it out, it is defiantly worth the $10 for a good sci-fi story, but not worth buying as the multiplayer sucks (like Tim), and the story is short enough to finish in under a week (even with a new baby in the house), quick book it if you are fast you will be able to get it Saturday as i am taking it back tomorrow.

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