
The Eclipse IDE and Google App Engine

App Engine is Googles offering in the realm of cloud computing. The free service that Google offers should be more than enough to host small websites. If an application does need extra resources, there is the option to enable flexible billing which alows a web application to scale and only pay for resources used. see Googles Billing Docs Orginally the App Engine only supported the Python scripting language, though the Google team have recently anounced Java support. Google have released an SDK and set of plugins for the Eclipse IDE, together they provide an integrated developement and deployment environment.

How to set up Eclipse/App Engine

Software needed: Installation:
  1. Install the Java SE DEvelopment Kit
  2. Unpack the Eclipse IDE
  3. Follow these steps to install the SDK and App engine plugin through the Eclipse software update service. You will likely need to reboot.
Further Information: App Engine Docs Sample applications

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