
MonoTouch - Image View in Interface Builder

I have been playing with MonoTouch recently in an attempt to make a iPhone app. I was playing quite happily there just one problem. I couldn't work out how to set the image for the "Image View" in Interface Builder I searched the internet for a few hours and still couldn't find a thing. So it was time to start randomly clicking and compiling until it worked. Here is what I did....

  1. Create a new iPhone Solution in MonoDevelop.
  2. Drag the image you want to use in to the Solution Explorer.
  3. Click Copy on the dialog box.
  4. Right click the image in the solution and select "Properties", the Properties panel should show up.
  5. Change the "Build Action" to "Content".
  6. Double Click MainWindow.xib in the "Solution Explorer" and Interface builder should open up.
  7. Click "Tools" > "Library", the library window will pop open.
  8. Drag and "Image View" (under "Library" > "Cocoa Touch" > "Data Views") to the "Window".
  9. Click on the Image View, then click "Tools" > "Attribute Inspector".
  10. Type the name of the image in the "Image" field. The image view will be replaced with a question mark icon
  11. Close interface builder.
  12. In MonoDevelop Click "Run" > "Run".
  13. Wait for the iPhone Simulartor to start and enjoy the results.


Free Mac Apps Go get yours now!

MacHeist are at it again and are giving away free apps one of which I used to to grab the image for this post.

If you want the pack just jump on over to MacHeist sign up and then get to downloading. You have to be quick tho because the deal ends in four days from today(Sunday 8 November 2009).