
Too lazy to Wii

I have been playing video games in one form or another for 17 years now, and I have to admit that when I first saw the Wii I thought ’sweet that looks like a cool way to play games’. Now after seeing the demos and actually thinking about it I realized that I am just to Lazy to play the Wii. After a hard day at work I normally sit down with a Beer and a play a little 360 to RELAX and wind down.

Yes relax, I don’t know about you but if I wanted to madly wave my arms around like a epileptic on speed (its ok for me to used this reference as I had epilepsy when I was kid) I would just watch an episode of Pokémon, its a lot less effort and when someone comes into the room and catches you, you can at least say its not me it was Pokémon. On the bright side it does give you a legitimate reason to sit on your couch and play with you wiimote. If fact some people (you know who you are) can keep it next to you when you are watching your “special movies” and just quickly turn on your Wii and claim you are resting the wiimote on you leg while you are playing. Then again if you are into looking stupid (I know there a lot of you- think eyetoy) or are drunk don’t let me stop you.