
Why CamelCase is good

Just though I would share today I was woking on someone sp and found the name was:
Readable? I think not.

But with a small change, you can actuall read it:


NotImplementedError: Unable to find the Python PIL library

I have been playing with Google App engine on both mac and windows and in both cases when using images.resize I get the following error:
NotImplementedError: Unable to find the Python PIL library.  Please view the SDK documentation for details about installing PIL on your system.
After using my friend Google I found the solution.

For Mac OSX:
  1. Open to Terminal by navigating to your Applications folder, open Utilities, and double click on Terminal. You will be greeted with a message similar to this:
    Last login: Tue Mar 6 17:21:36 on console
    Welcome to Darwin!
    imac:~ Matt$
  2. Type in "sudo easy_install --find-links http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ Imaging" into the Terminal and press enter.
  3. Enter in your password when prompted and then you are done.
For Windows:
  1. Download "Python Imaging Library 1.1.7 for Python 2.6" from their website and install.
  2. Reboot and then you are done.
Simple huh?
