
How I Fixed - SQL Server Error 310

I have just spent an hour trying to work out why my Sql Server Agent would not start. I kept getting this error message
SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect
to server'(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).

It was making me really angry when I realised what was wrong, I did not have the account for the Windows user the agent was running under in my database to. I created an account and gave it full access to the db and now everything is going fine.

P.S. Yes I know i am an idiot.

How to Move the Default Databases for MS SQL Server

I have juss finshed the painful task of moving of moving all the default databases (Master.mdf etc) from program files to more useful places on the database server. I wrote my self a little guide in google docs and thought someone else might like to use it. Here is the guide.


New Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts

There is a new Nine Inch Nails CD and it is only available online so what are you waiting for go and buy it I did, here is a bit of info from the site.
Nine Inch Nails presents Ghosts I - IV, a brand new 36 track instrumental collection available right now. Almost two hours of new music composed and recorded over an intense ten week period last fall, Ghosts I - IV sprawls Nine Inch Nails across a variety of new terrain.
Oh and just in case you don't believe me
You can get it for free but thats not really right it is?

Get Your Smashing Pumpkins Tickets Now

Come on Wellington anyone who likes good music(that is anything I listen to) who hasn't got tickets to the Pumpkins and Queens of the Stoneage is part of the problem, that is why we don't get to see any good bands here. Damn it Timberlake should out in like 30 minutes why hasn't the Pumpkins sold out.
Go and buy your tickets now it will be great, it will be the best concert to come to Wellington had since Tool.